Structural design in building construction, civil engineering & special civil engineering

Planning of new buildings, conversions, or construction in existing buildings with 20 years of professional experience

  • Single & multifamily houses
  • Underground car parks
  • Underground structures such as waste water tanks, water reservoirs for drinking water, sewage treatment plants or rainwater retention systems
  • Waterproof structures made of watertight reinforced concrete using the “white tank” construction method
  • Specialized civil engineering/structural engineering for excavation support with sheet pile walls, soldier pile walls, bored piles, micropyles, and soil nailing
  • Verification of roof structures for the installation of PV systems

Our activities in the field of structural design in building construction and civil engineering

Structural engineering, or statics, is a central component of both building construction and civil engineering. It deals with the calculation, dimensioning and construction of supporting structures, i.e. structures that have to absorb and transfer loads in order to guarantee stability, safety and functionality. As a structural engineer, TiJaG SARL is responsible for the design and dimensioning of these components, taking into account the static, dynamic and structural requirements as well as local building regulations and standards. It must be ensured that the supporting structure is stable, safe and economical.

  • In building construction, structural engineering typically refers to building structures such as residential buildings, office buildings, industrial facilities, etc. Structural design here involves the calculation of foundations, ceilings, columns, beams and other structural components to ensure that the building can withstand the loads to which it is subjected, whether from live loads such as people and equipment or environmental loads such as wind and snow loads.
  • In civil engineering, structural design includes structures such as bridges, tunnels, retaining walls, dams and other underground or near-ground structures, such as retention basins or civil engineering structures such as "white tanks". The aim here is to design load-bearing structures that can withstand the specific requirements of the construction project and the loads from the ground and external influences such as water pressure or earthquakes.

Aspects such as material selection, load analysis, static calculations, construction and quality assurance play an important role in both areas. Structural design requires close cooperation between architects, engineers and other specialists to ensure that the designed structures meet the requirements. TiJaG SARL therefore attaches great importance to good cooperation between the specialist disciplines in order to achieve the optimum result for the client.

Our activities in the field of structural design in special civil engineering

Structural engineering for foundation engineering refers to the planning and design of temporary or permanent structures or shoring that serve to stabilize or support the subsoil. The term "shoring" refers to a construction method in which the soil is retained by special structures such as sheet pile walls, retaining walls, bored pile walls, formwork or other elements, for example to excavate building pits or construct foundations.

Structural design for special civil engineering typically comprises the following steps:

  1. Analyzing the building ground by the soil expert:
    Thorough examination of the building ground is necessary to understand its composition, load-bearing capacity, and other relevant properties.
  2. Design of the shoring construction:
    Based on the results of the building ground investigation, TiJaG SARL develops suitable constructions to ensure the required stability and safety during the construction process.
  3. Calculations and dimensioning:
    Structures must be dimensioned appropriately to withstand the applied loads. This includes static calculations and the selection of suitable materials and components.
  4. Consideration of safety aspects:
    The structural design for shoring must consider various safety aspects, including structural stability, protection against soil displacement, and other potential hazards.
  5. Creation of construction plans and specifications:
    The structural design for shoring must consider various safety aspects, including structural stability, protection against soil displacement, and other potential hazards.

Overall, the planning for special foundation engineering aims to develop and implement a safe and efficient method for addressing challenges related to the building ground. Close communication with both the executing company and involved specialists such as soil experts and manufacturers of special processes is of immense importance to us. This ensures not only customer satisfaction but also optimal operations and, above all, safety on the construction site.